About the Conference
In a world characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), sustainability is a key issue for management research. During the last years, sustainability has been addressed by scholars in many different contexts, including logistics and supply chain management, marketing, finance, innovation, information systems as well as human resources, ethics, and social responsibility.
The aim of this conference is to discuss the state of the art in each specific field of study in management, look for common themes and create synergies among different streams of research.
This conference will be a platform for academicians, research scholars, industry practitioners and entrepreneurs to come together, to learn, share and discuss current and emerging topics in various areas aligned towards sustainability. This would be a great knowledge-sharing event for a diverse audience embracing international and national participants. The event has inspirational keynote speakers and mutually beneficial networking opportunities.
Conference Tracks
The conference is seeking submissions in the different management fields related, but not limited, to the following Tracks:
Note: Papers conforming to the overall theme of the conference but not mentioned in the topics above are also welcome. Apart from the technical sessions, panel discussions will also be organized during the conference.
Submissions must be done using the following EasyChair link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsbp2024
Guest Speakers

Prof. Manlio Del Giudice
Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Knowledge Management

Prof. John W. Goodell
Editor-in-Chief of Research in International Business and Finance

Prof. Cleopatra Veloutsou
Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Product and Brand Management
Prof. Stefan Minner
Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Production Economics

Philippe Defraigne
Founding Director of Cullen International
Looking forward to meeting you in Rabat !
Conference Chair: Dr. Ikram Jebabli