Track Chairs:
The field of Islamic economics and finance is expanding rapidly in different regions around the world. Its ethical and innovative aspects are attracting interest of researchers who may suggest new horizons for diverse investors who aim to align their financial activities with Islamic law and for investors who perceive it as a means for diversification purpose.
Within the RBS 2024 conference, this track aims to serve as a platform for high-level dialogues and discussions among academics, researchers, PhD students, practitioners, leaders, and policymakers, with the goal of shaping the next decade of Islamic economics, banking & finance.
Keywords: Islamic finance, Islamic banking, Islamic insurance, sukuk, financial crises, risk management, governance, Shariah compliance, ethical investment, organizational management, Microfinance, SDGs.
We invite researchers to contribute with papers focusing on underexplored or new areas in the field, fostering both theoretical and empirical contributions.
Papers may address, but are not limited to, the following list of potential topics:
- Examine the response and resilience of Islamic financial institutions and products during global financial crises.
- Assess the role of Islamic banking in systemic risk and its potential for promoting financial stability.
- Compare the risk and return characteristics of sukuk (Islamic bonds) and conventional bonds.
- Explore the pricing dynamics of sukuk within Islamic financial markets.
- Assess performance and behavior of Islamic financial instruments:
- Investigate the performance and transactions’ costs of Islamic mutual funds during and after shocks or financial crises.
- Analyze the risk and return profiles of Islamic and conventional stock indexes.
- Evaluate the risk and return attributes of Shariah-compliant stocks.
- Explore governance and operational aspects of Islamic finance:
- Examine the role and effectiveness of Shariah boards in Islamic financial institutions.
- Compare the governance structures, profitability, and business models of Islamic and conventional stock exchanges.
- Evaluate risk management and performance of Islamic insurance.
- Investigate the risk-return profile, and business models of takaful (Islamic insurance) and conventional insurance.
- Assess the unique features and challenges associated with takaful operations.
- Explore the impact of Islamic principles on organizational and management practices.
- Analyze the role of economic moralities in shaping business practices within an Islamic context.
- Investigate the relationship between Islamic principles, ethicality and/or socially responsible investment.
- Microfinance, financial inclusion, and poverty alleviation.
- SDGs versus Islamic Banking, insurance and Finance
- Liquidity risk in Islamic banking
- Influence of oil prices on Islamic banks’ risk and performance
- Risk-return profiles of Islamic and conventional stock indexes
- Portfolio maximization with Shariah compliant financial instruments
- Comparison between Islamic and SRI investments
- Governance, profitability, structure of Islamic and conventional stock exchanges
- Corporate governance in Islamic financial institutions
- Islamic differences in the management of organizations and workplace spirituality
- Economic moralities and the role of Islam in shaping business practices
- Islam’s law and role in creating synergy and conflict.
- Relationship of Islam to ethical or socially responsible investment.