Information Systems Tracks > Track 31: Digital Transformation of Organizations and SocietyTrack Chairs:
Today’s businesses, governments, non-profit and other types of organizations are undergoing rapid Digital Transformation (DT), resulting in major changes of their organizational structures, operating processes, value chains, and/or business models. It is becoming clear that opportunities driven by DT can lead to rapid change, both within and beyond organizational boundaries, for example in the form of new value networks and business ‘eco-systems.’ The scope of DT also differs ranging from a single organisational unit or a process, to many processes, to overall business model, all the way to interorganizational, industry and societal transformations. Moreover, DT of the wider society is resulting in new opportunities for societal value creation as well as new ethical and social justice challenges. Societal DT opens deeper questions about our collective technology-intensive future and sustainability, including various kinds of responsibilities for the streamlined use of digital technologies. This track welcomes research that uses analytical, empirical, and experimental modeling approaches to explore the increasing complex interplays between digital technology and business operations, strategies. In particular, we seek novel studies that systematically investigate the complex roles that digitization, information technology, and business analytics play in consumer behavior, customer relationship management, organizational architectures, product design and development, healthcare, education, marketing, sales and services, and supply chain management to provide business insights and implications. We are also soliciting comprehensive reviews of relevant research, rigorous case studies, and applications highlighting the use of business analytics, new technologies, methods, and techniques in various business operations. There is a growing body of research within the economics, marketing, operations management, information systems, and healthcare communities which are starting to address those issues |
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